2 Ocak 2015 Cuma


I have been studied about stethoscope and spygnomanometr. it's so fun to know about how to use that. I can hear heart beat and I can measure bloodstream. I can understand how different between sistole and diastole.. for the first time, I couldn't find brachial pulse. but after I praticed many time finally I could find it. I have been realized that every people have different location for brachial pulse. so it sometimes take some minutes to find it. when I use sthethoscope, I tried to hear my gastric's voice. the voice was so strange and I couldn't understand what happen in my gastric. and I was so curious how the doctors can know the gastric is okay or not by stethoscope..:) I want t learn it although I am not in doctor's major... because I am so curious. I want to learn about how human's organ operate, how human's organ produce enzyme. so let's study


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