6 Ocak 2015 Salı

  • LOVES is difficult  to find, wonderful to have, easy   to lose and hard to  forget !!                                                

4 Ocak 2015 Pazar



 Brought us to life, live, laugh, virtue, love, and our main teach all humanly things. We learned form the first and sincere love them. Connecting to our lives, our love is always thanks to their humanity. This bond of love between parent and child, has no doubt a holy figure. Our existence against this holy sacrifice is too great to be paid We have many tasks; deepest and most do not die with them the love of love, beginning to count the income of these tasks. Our main resource is our sincere belief


New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count is incremented by one. In many cultures, the event is celebrated in some manner.[1] The New Year of the Gregorian calendar, today in worldwide use, falls on 1 January (New Year's Day), as was the case with both the old Roman calendar and the Julian calendar that succeeded it. The order of months was January to December in the Old Roman calendar during the reign of King Numa Pompilius in about 700 BC, according to Plutarch and Macrobius, and has been in continuous use since that time. In many countries, such as the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, the UK, and the United States, 1 January is a national holiday.


 The most attractive aspect of the series is written with a great imagination. This series has brought the world to the children who are fed up with a different technological bombardment: a world where the real magic and enchantment similar but applies. So that witches ride in the red train station to go to 9 _ Hogwvarts school; the fat woman portrait at school "password" Do not tell from the tower can not be entered; people in the pictures in and goes for a ride in the castle photo; castle collapsible ladders, ascends, descends, and does not take more than thousands mental events. Such as basketball and handball-play Quidditch in the original invention mix, but there is a game played on flying brooms in the air!
What a great change for children who are tired of the daily life of the mold


Turkey has a diverse folkloric dance culture. Hora is performed in East Thrace; Zeybek in the Aegean Region, Southern Marmara and East-Central Anatolia Region; Teke in the Western Mediterranean Region; Kaşık Oyunları and Karşılama in West-Central Anatolia, Western Black Sea Region, Southern Marmara Region and Eastern Mediterranean Region; Horon in the Central and Eastern Black Sea Region; Halay in Eastern Anatolia and the Central Anatolia Region; and Bar and Lezginka in the Northeastern Anatolia Region.[279]

3 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi


Having self-confidence to make everything perfect and foolproof, it does not mean to be successful in every respect. On the contrary, life always knows everything go your way, everyone can have positive and negative aspects, but individuals can accept her as she is aware of the important events because these characteristics are not the person


Everyone property protection woes is their own hands Everybody's own heart would love to have a lot of things, but a wise man will avoid unnecessary and excessive requests done is directed to what is possible within their power and conditions bitter with requests, is far from being the victim of a no excess can adjust the costs with income 



- Narrowing the field of view.
- Heart disease.
- The risk of deterioration of cardiac pacemakers.
- Memory decline and brain tumor risk
- Intense stress and fatigue.
- Permanent hearing loss.
- Concentration and attention impairment.
- Damage to the embryo development.


A lot of students are fictitious high school to finish a good college   more young, read high school, was targeted primary time that perhaps the profession ... Perhaps you have already experienced would not want to be when you were little professional our belirtmeyi.küçükk that that :) Now has passed the years and we have a huge adult / have you ... Now life begins after ...


Work, work stoppage, but left ambition. Because greed productive work, health and happiness is the enemy.

Bin Muhteşem Güneş-NOVEL

Life has some turning points. Mary and Leyla's story is the true meaning of my sacrifice was one of the turning points in my life, love and hope I learned from this book. To put it in one sentence could not be better.


  Being a student is to say goodbye to
sleep..And That is to say hello to the monotony of walking through life
on the road.When students enter the door of the school, would love to return, but says that her thoughts to go to the school and students can not resist more, he is now in school.


Benevolence is one of the most beautiful feelings. Thanks to the beauty and love in us and we'll help them find their direction by helping others. Thanks to their mother's love and a sense of people's creation is processed to help others. As people who live alone in that effort we will help by showing our love to everyone within our environment. Find help that we can get help by supporting high as in the word.


What a lot of tears ... Sometimes it can not be said to describe the sound of the words, sometimes the diet of a regret, and sometimes a breath of love ... is actually the opposite of silence cry tears ... want to tell ... if you can understand what can not describe..


We hope we never see the names of ironic approach. Always first meanings come true for us and it often remains. Usually questioning our ability in this theory does not change a whole is not so in our own way of life. As an example, given today's most asocial media "Social Media". A lonely dock themselves, when we look, there are many assets but there is no one so much. So at what stage and in what position is the most important element in this medium, I have ?, how effective is to provide the answer.

2 Ocak 2015 Cuma


I have been studied about stethoscope and spygnomanometr. it's so fun to know about how to use that. I can hear heart beat and I can measure bloodstream. I can understand how different between sistole and diastole.. for the first time, I couldn't find brachial pulse. but after I praticed many time finally I could find it. I have been realized that every people have different location for brachial pulse. so it sometimes take some minutes to find it. when I use sthethoscope, I tried to hear my gastric's voice. the voice was so strange and I couldn't understand what happen in my gastric. and I was so curious how the doctors can know the gastric is okay or not by stethoscope..:) I want t learn it although I am not in doctor's major... because I am so curious. I want to learn about how human's organ operate, how human's organ produce enzyme. so let's study



Everoneyone  makes a certain amount of shopping at certain times in order to meet  certain needs.Sometimes  the things ,we need , also enjoy sadness.We can bu under he effect  of different emotions such as anger each paintless,unnecessary or excessive shopping  have be   necessary mean, disase .When it   comes to   shopping   addiction  ; shopping in obsessively thinking  to shop , we mean  that in such cases  to establish plans for the shopping addicts will spend the  money and  uncontrolled  external   needs.İn   the case  the person's family negativel   effect he social and  professional  lives.


Creation and use of echnology has made  many possitive  and negative effect of human life.May  discoveries and inventions with non-stop  efforts  to worlds  human self  recognition took place.These volves obtained  in  the laboral  or later used in the first stage  has been par of everday life.The  scale of this tecnological  development has grown continuosly  throughout history . They have found in terms in damage ,although   some can be benefic  for   the  development of humanity ..


I think    everthing will be ver nice  now. I'm not too big but I  think I'm no step .Da would  be people  are  watching a movie  happened,they would hear witness  to the pain wouldn't believe  how much and it cried   silenty and you  think that just now.Live  isn't  going to be good because  we start later.    They are pretty nice.Life presence in the body at the hear